Children and young people have the right to play and have fun. They also have the right to express their opinions and be heard. At Starlight, we know that this is especially true when it comes to their healthcare. We create positive experiences based on the needs of seriously ill children and young people - our Programs are child-led to ensure that we can make the biggest impact possible.

Coinciding with the United Nations World Children's Day on the 20th of November 2021, Starlight launched the results of our collaborative research project about children and young people's right to be heard in a report titled 'The Listen Carefully Project: Exploring best practice in implementing children and young people's right to be heard in healthcare'.

The Listen Carefully Project is a national collaboration led by Starlight, with the support of the Children's Healthcare Australasia, and experts from across several Australian universities and health services. The report provides the findings of a literature review, national survey and in-depth case studies.

Overall, we found a strong commitment across Australia to improve the way that children and young people are being listened to in the healthcare system. What arose from the findings and discussion with our expert steering committee, were some very clear themes and areas for future focus. In sharing examples of both best practice and the challenges faced, the hospitals, the team members and the young people themselves, provided an insight into both the current situation, but also their collective desire for further evolution and progress. And ultimately, provided suggestions for next steps for both the healthcare system and research priorities.

We believe that addressing these suggestions will begin to close the gap between Australia's stated commitment to listening to the voice of children and young people, and their practical realisation.