Creating happy moments for the whole family

Starlight Moments creates experiences of fun, joy and happiness for families with a palliative child. The program recognises the challenges faced by families in this circumstance and offers opportunities for family connection and the simple joys of childhood, in a way that will be most meaningful to each unique family.

These experiences (also called 'Moments') are built around the little things that matter most to each family. This might be a treasure hunt at home, a picnic lunch with family and friends, an outing to the beach or a simple pizza and movie night in. The Starlight Moments team conceive these experiences, in collaboration with the family, and then make all the arrangements necessary to bring them to life.

How it works

Starlight Moments is delivered in close partnership with paediatric palliative care teams. Families are referred to the program by these teams, and health professionals provide regular insights that contribute to the planning and implementation of each Moment.

Moments are delivered to families on an ongoing basis, according to their preference, as well as their changing needs and circumstances. Appreciating the importance of care and connection after a child sadly dies, bereaved families are offered an additional 12 months of support from Starlight Moments.

"...This box of fun and cheer arrived, as usual, when most needed, it landed on our doorstep one morning... I can't thank you enough or describe the joy and excitement this very special package brought. It put a smile on everyones face." - Moments family member.

"The fact that moments can happen around normal life makes it suitable for even the most disadvantaged or chaotic families, who usually need it the most." - Palliative Care Professional.

"I believe in magic now." - Moments family member.

Starlight Moments deliver...

Happiness as a family

Positive distraction

Making new memories

Social connectedness

Family centred care

Magical experience